Dialogue Resources for Higher Education

August 6, 2016

Dialogue is a process in which groups come together to share experiences around issues that are often avoided or argued toward the goal of informed decision making. Dialogue involves mutual understanding, suspending judgment, and listening deeply, rather than seeking to win.

Campuses engaged in dialogue use the tool to engage with diverse viewpoints in true civil discourse. A community that has a high level of dialogue skill creates enhanced experiences in co-curricular life, civic engagement, and curricular environments. Dialogue equips students, faculty, and staff with the skills to build shared understanding of challenges, to empathize with experiences very different from one’s own, and to create positive change from collaboration. Dialogue as pedagogy can enhance student learning, feelings of belonging, and skills for a globalized workforce.

One of a wide range of knowledge hubs developed by Campus Compact, Dialogue Resources for Higher Education offers resources, models, and information from across the country.